Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sick of health care debates

I was just reading this article on the health care debate (via Fox News) and I'm really tired of lawmakers trying to stall and do nothing instead of passing a bill that gets closer to fixing the system. The number bandied about is 1 Trillion dollars over 10 years. For an economy the size of the United States, who cares?!?!? It's chump change. Just take a look at the US's GDP number last year.

14 Trillion, in one year.

And how much of that is health care? Well, Mr. Krugman summarizes it here as a percent of GDP (via NY Times). Assuming it's around 16% this year, the cost of health care is 2.25 Trillion dollars in one year. Hmm, 1T in 10 years or 2.25T in 1 year (and rising).

Why is fixing this an issue?

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