Monday, September 29, 2008

Continuing the zombie meme

Through a rather serendipitous link clicking on Google News, I came across an article on Zombie Feminism. On the surface, it's a review of a new horror movie called Deadgirl; one of the talked-about movies at the Toronto International Film Festival.

What I find intriguing here was in this editorial focused on the denigration of women and through this movie, this would be some type of retribution by a powerful woman. In this case a zombie. Although I'm certainly not unaffected by society's (especially asian) placement and treatment of women, the issue is one that's generally out of mine. In my interpretation, it's similar to how I find that most Americans have little understanding of world politics. They know there's a world out there, but are unaware of the issues.

Perhaps I'll see if there's some Halloween screening of it around here or I'll wait until 2009 when it hits a wider distribution. There's always room for some more meme expansion. (the feminism part, not zombies)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Back at designing again

It's that kind of day...

Financial meltdown = tech boom?

Hey if the Guardian is talking about grid computing, web services, and open source in the financial section, maybe we've got some rosiness to the Silicon Valley future.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Virtual dating (no, really virtual)

Every once in a while, something comes along that kinda freaks me out. Not really, really freaky, like this, but more incompatible with how I view the world. Today's bit of news is a new site called Webkare. It's a dating simulator for women.
Techcrunch reports that it hit 10,000 users and 3.5M hits.
I know guys are pretty simple creatures and it really doesn't take much to understand us, but I wonder if this site is more demeaning towards men or the 10,000 women that are using this site.
I should probably go and learn how to read Japanese to see what it's really about. It would be awesome if the site was really just a catchy pretext for women having an open social networky conversation around guys. Hmm... come to think of it, maybe that's a way to jump-start discussions. Lead in with something fun and cutesy and let the conversation be the actual value of the site.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sunrise at Burning Man

An expression of beauty. Captured by a reporter from Vail, Colorado.