Saturday, September 20, 2008

Virtual dating (no, really virtual)

Every once in a while, something comes along that kinda freaks me out. Not really, really freaky, like this, but more incompatible with how I view the world. Today's bit of news is a new site called Webkare. It's a dating simulator for women.
Techcrunch reports that it hit 10,000 users and 3.5M hits.
I know guys are pretty simple creatures and it really doesn't take much to understand us, but I wonder if this site is more demeaning towards men or the 10,000 women that are using this site.
I should probably go and learn how to read Japanese to see what it's really about. It would be awesome if the site was really just a catchy pretext for women having an open social networky conversation around guys. Hmm... come to think of it, maybe that's a way to jump-start discussions. Lead in with something fun and cutesy and let the conversation be the actual value of the site.

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