Monday, September 29, 2008

Continuing the zombie meme

Through a rather serendipitous link clicking on Google News, I came across an article on Zombie Feminism. On the surface, it's a review of a new horror movie called Deadgirl; one of the talked-about movies at the Toronto International Film Festival.

What I find intriguing here was in this editorial focused on the denigration of women and through this movie, this would be some type of retribution by a powerful woman. In this case a zombie. Although I'm certainly not unaffected by society's (especially asian) placement and treatment of women, the issue is one that's generally out of mine. In my interpretation, it's similar to how I find that most Americans have little understanding of world politics. They know there's a world out there, but are unaware of the issues.

Perhaps I'll see if there's some Halloween screening of it around here or I'll wait until 2009 when it hits a wider distribution. There's always room for some more meme expansion. (the feminism part, not zombies)

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